...music you should know.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Idiot Pilot - "Last Chance" (2007)

Idiot Pilot are a rock duo from Washington state that meld the genres of electronica and screamo to varying degrees of success. Musically, Idiot Pilot are kind of doing their own thing and it’s cool. Lots of blips and boops abound on their 2005 debut Strange We Should Meet Here. The sounds sometimes recall the music of 8-bit NES games, but in a totally good way. When he actually sings, vocalist Daniel Anderson rivals Thom York and several other Brit rock stars. It’s when he unleashes his throat shredding scream that I’m kind of put off. I like screaming now and again, but it just doesn’t seem to fit this kind of music as well. For example, Strange’s lead single “A Day In the Life of a Poolshark” is fantastic but is somewhat overshadowed by the screaming. I found myself wishing he would just sing. Two years later, I got my wish…kind of. Idiot Pilot were featured on the soundtrack to last summer’s blockbuster Transformers. They contributed “Retina and the Sky,” a guitar driven rock track with a great chorus that is completely devoid of screaming. It was impressive. The track also appears on their second full length Wolves, which was released last fall. The electronic elements are still there on this album although not quite as pronounced and while there is screaming, it’s not overbearing and it’s not on every track. The album kicks off with today’s song “Last Chance,” which starts with an ethereal electronic palette that segues into an anthem like chorus which really showcases Anderson’s range. When listening to Wolves, it’s striking to realize that these guys are just 21 years old. They write as though they have much more experience and I expect to hear lots more from them.

Idiot Pilot - "Last Chance"

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