...music you should know.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Gasoline Heart - "Paralyze" (2006)

Gasoline Heart is a cool indie rock band from Florida that released their debut You Know Who You Are last year. The band somewhat embrace their Southern roots on this record, with a very organic sound that includes organs and harmonicas all with jangly guitar lines and the amazing gravelly voice of front man Louis DeFabrizio. The music is somewhere along the lines of the Wallflowers at times, but DeFabrizio’s voice sets them apart. It’s cool to hear a band that isn’t bringing the same thing to the table that’s been brought over and over again. You Know Who You Are is an interesting and fun listen for anyone looking for something outside what most of the indie scene is offering these days. You can check out a cool acoustic performance and interview with DeFabrizio from the Relevant Podcast here.

Gasoline Heart - "Paralyze"


  1. This one doesn't have a title.

  2. It does now. Good thing I have at least one reader so my mistakes can be pointed out.
