...music you should know.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Relient K - "I Celebrate the Day" (2003)

Relient K is one of the most original pop punk bands out today. I know that may sound like an oxymoron and yes they’re not that much different than a lot of bands but what really sets them apart is the songwriting ability of Matthew Thiessen. He always delivers some of the most hilarious and clever lyrics you’ve ever heard, with great melodies to boot. Despite the band’s mainstream success Thiessen has never been afraid to wear his faith on his sleeve and that can be heard on today’s song from the recently released Christmas album Let It Snow Baby…Let It Reindeer. This song, along with nine others from the album were originally released in 2003 under the name of Deck the Halls, Bruise Your Hand, a bonus disc packaged with special editions of their third album Two Lefts Don’t Make a Right…But Three Do. (Did I also mention they have a knack for extremely long titles?) Let It Snow features those songs as well as six new ones, making for an excellent Christmas album featuring unique takes on classics like “12 Days of Christmas” and “Sleigh Ride,” as well as great originals like “Santa Claus Is Thumbing To Town” and “Merry Christmas, Here’s To Many More.” The standout track has to be today’s song however. Thiessen opens his heart to Jesus, thanking Him for humbling Himself as a human and dying so that we may live. So as you celebrate today remember the reason that Jesus came to Earth and thank God for the most amazing gift ever. Merry Christmas.

Relient K - "I Celebrate the Day"

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